How to Simplify a Mesh in Blender by Reducing Geometry, Polygon, and Vertex Count

Blog post featured image explaining how to reduce geometry, faces, vertices, or polygon count on a mesh in Blender. The image shows two models of Suzanne the monkey: one with a high poly count and one optimized with a low poly count, with the title "REDUCE VERTICES/POLYCOUNT" at the bottom.
How to reduce geometry or faces or vertices or polygon count on a mesh in Blender

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As you sculpt your model in Blender, you may come across a situation where your model has too many polygons. Therefore, you want to reduce the excess geometry in order for your model can be lighter to animate or add effects to. In this post, you will learn how to reduce the number of faces/vertices/polygons on a mesh in Blender.

Method 1: Reduce polygon count using the Limited Dissolve operator

Limited Dissolve operator in Blender
Limited Dissolve operator in Blender
  • Select all vertices, press X button on the keyboard and select ‘Limited Dissolve’ from the dropdown menu
Limited Dissolve operator options in Blender
Limited Dissolve operator options in Blender
  • Adjust the ‘Maximum Angle’ value to get the desired result

Method 2: Reduce polygon count using the Decimate Modifier

Blender’s Decimate Modifier tries to simplify a mesh, without losing too much detail. There are multiple modes, for finer control, but the default mode should do for most cases. You can try out the different modes and see which produces the best results for you. In this case, we are going to work with the Un-Subdivide and Planar modes

Un-Subdivide mode

Un-Subdivide mode in Blender's Decimate Modifier
The Un-Subdivide mode in Blender’s Decimate Modifier
  • Select your mesh and add the Decimate Modifier from the modifiers tab
  • Select Un-Subdivide mode
  • Increase the number of ‘Iterations’ until you are satisfied with the Face Count and the shape of your mesh

Planar mode

Planar mode in Blender's Decimate Modifier
The Planar mode in Blender’s Decimate Modifier
  • Select your mesh and add the Decimate Modifier from the modifiers tab
  • Select Planar mode
  • Play with the ‘Angle Limit’ value until you are satisfied with the Face Count and the shape of your mesh

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